*See below for the English version.
Na poziv Više strukovne škole za hotelijerstvo i turizam VSGT Maribor, delegacija ICEPS-a na čelu sa direktorom, prof. dr Srđanom Stojanovićem, posetila je Maribor i tom prilikom obavila izuzetno značajne radne sastanke sa prof. dr Tanjom Angleitner Sagadin, direktorkom VSGT-a.
Kako je ICEPS predan u nameri da se pozicionira kao važna tačka na obrazovnoj mapi u Srbiji, čak i kada je reč o ugostiteljskim programima, Uprava je donela odluku da uspostavi važnu saradnju sa VSGT koja već dve decenije uspešno sprovodi između ostalih programe Ugostiteljstvo i turizam i Velnes (wellness) u Sloveniji.
Tokom radne posete, četvoročlana delegacija u sastavu: prof. dr Srđan Stojanović, Bojan Spasojević, Marija Papić i Daliborka Mićanović imala je priliku da pogleda kako izgledaju demo hotelska soba, restoran i spa prostor gde se studenti obučavaju pre odlaska u nastavne baze. A najveći utisak ostavila je kuhinja u kojoj se studenti uče veštinama kulinarstva pre nego što nastave praksu u restoranu „Restavracija Sedem” koji se nalazi u sklopu VSGT Maribor. Pročitajte više na portalu Mišelinovog vodiča o „otvorenoj kuhinji” u kojoj vam hranu pripremaju buduće zvezde gastro scene.
Osim VSGT, ICEPS delagacija obavila je i sastanak i sa direktorom Više strukovne škole Academia gospodinom Žanom Dapčevičem u cilju razmene znanja i iskustva posebno u domenu Erazmus+ projekata.

At the invitation of the Vocational College of Hospitality and Tourism (VSGT) Maribor, the ICEPS delegation led by the director, Prof. PhD Srđan Stojanović, visited Maribor and on that occasion held important business meetings with Prof. PhD Tanja Angleitner Sagadin, director of VSGT.
As ICEPS is committed to positioning itself as an important point in the educational field in Serbia, even when it comes to hospitality programs, the Administration made a decision to establish an important cooperation with VSGT, which has been successfully implementing, among other programs, Catering and Tourism and Wellness in Slovenia.
During this visit, a four-member delegation consisting of: Prof. PhD Srđan Stojanović, Bojan Spasojević, Marija Papić and Daliborka Mićanović had the opportunity to see how the demo hotel room, restaurant and spa look like, where students are trained before going to do the practice in the teaching bases. And the biggest impression was the kitchen where students learn culinary skills before continuing their practice at the “Restaurant Sedem” restaurant, which is part of VSGT Maribor. Read more about the “open kitchen” at the Michelin Guide Portal where food is prepared for you by future culinary superstars.
In addition to VSGT, the ICEPS delegation also held a meeting with the director of the Academia Higher Vocational School, Mr. Žan Dapčevič, with the aim of exchanging knowledge and experience, especially in the field of Erasmus+ projects.