ICEPS želi dobrodošlicu Erazmus+ stranim studentima!
- 2. новембар 2023.
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*See below for English version.
Ovu školsku godinu otvaramo vestima iz međunarodne saradnje!
Početkom oktobra na ICEPS su došle studentkinje Linda Breuss i Daniela Fuchs sa partnerske ustanove Health University of Applied Sciences Tyrol iz Inzbruka u Austiji da obave stručnu praksu iz oblasti nuklearne medicine i CT-a (Kompjuterizovana tomografija) u jednoj od naših najpoznatijih nastavnih baza – Institut za onkologiju Vojvodine u Sremskoj Kamenici.
Studentkinje praksu obavljaju preko Erazmus+ programa finansiranog od strane Evropske unije i ujedno najvećim oblikom saradnje u oblasti obrazovanja, obuka, mladih i sporta u Evropi, a u kom od nedavno učestvuje i ICEPS.
Raduje nas što smo prepoznati među inostranim zdravstvenim visokoškolskim ustanovama kao relevantna ustanova u obrazovanju zdravstvenih radnika i da su odabrali baš nas za usavršavanje svojih studenata, kao i da je studentkinjama ponuđena prilika da praksu obavljaju u jednom od najvećih zdravstvenih centara u Jugoistočnoj Evropi sa najmodernijom opremom.
ICEPS radi na otvaranju konkursa za domaće studente, kao i nastavno i nenastavno osoblje, koji će imati priliku da preko Erazmus+ programa provedu određeno vreme na stranoj visokoškolskoj ustanovi i tamo usavrše svoja znanja i razmene iskustva i primere dobre prakse sa kolegama iz inostranstva. Velika pogodnost razmene preko programa Erazmus+ jeste što je boravak stipendiran od strane programa, a ishodi učenja priznati po povratku na matičnu ustanovu.
Ukoliko želite da saznate više o Erazmus+ programu možete nas posetiti ovde, redovno pratite listu naših partnera koja se redovno dopunjuje novim institucijama širom Evrope i dalje, a konkursi će biti objavljeni na ovoj stranici.
Za dodatna pitanja iz oblasti međunarodne saradnje kontaktirajte nas na
Studentkinjama želimo da im ovo iskustvo bude nezaboravno i da ono što nauče kod nas bude značajno za dalji razvoj njihove karijere.

We are opening this school year with news from international relations!
At the beginning of October, students Linda Breuss and Daniela Fuchs from the partner institution Health University of Applied Sciences Tyrol from Innsbruck in Austria came to ICEPS to do an traineeship in the field of nuclear medicine and CT (Computed Tomography) in one of our most famous teaching bases – Oncology Institute of Vojvodina in Sremska Kamenica.
The students complete their traineeship through the Erasmus+ program funded by the European Union, the largest form of cooperation in the field of education, youth, training and sports in Europe, that ICEPS has recently joined.
We are pleased that we are recognized among other higher education health institutions as a relevant institution in the education of health workers and that they chose us for the traineeship of their students, as well as that students were given the opportunity to practice in one of the largest health centers in Southeast Europe with the most modern equipment.
ICEPS is working on opening an open call for our students, as well as teaching and non-teaching staff, who will have the opportunity to spend a certain amount of time at a foreign higher education institution through the Erasmus+ program and improve their knowledge and exchange experience and examples of good practice with colleagues from abroad. The great advantage of the exchange through the Erasmus+ program is that the stay is funded by the program, and the learning outcomes are recognized upon returning to the home institution.
If you want to learn more about the Erasmus+ program, you can click here, make sure to follow the list of our partners, which is regularly updated with new institutions throughout Europe and beyond, and the open calls will be published on our website.
For additional questions in the field of international cooperation, please contact us at
We wish students would have an unforgettable experience and what they learn with us to become important for the further development of their careers.