ICEPS ugostio delegaciju sa VSGT Maribor: Učimo od najboljih!
- 9. јун 2023.
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*See below for the English version.
s leva na desno: Daliborka Mićanović, prof. dr Bojana Kalenjuk Pivarski, prof. dr Jelica Ilić, Marija Papić, Katja Zdravec, prof. dr Srđan Stojanović, Andreja Alič, prof. Tatjana Klakočar, Tanja Abarca Kokol, prof. dr Dragan Psodorov, Bojan Spasojević, Marija Todorović.
from left to right: Daliborka Mićanović, Prof. PhD Bojana Kalenjuk Pivarski, Prof. PhD Jelica Ilić, Marija Papić, Univ. Prof. Katja Zdravec, Prof. PhD Srđan Stojanović, Prof. Andreja Alič, Prof. Tatjana Klakočar, Prof. Tanja Abarca Kokol, Prof. PhD Dragan Psodorov, Bojan Spasojević, Marija Todorović
09.06.2023. Novi Sad – Delegacija Više strukovne škole za ugostiteljstvo i turizam VSGT Maribor boravila je u dvodnevnoj poseti Srbiji od 28. do 29. maja 2023. godine tokom koje je posetila i Visoku strukovnu školu ICEPS, kao i dve ICEPS nastavne baze: Vinsku kuću Kovačević i hotel Sheraton Novi Sad.
09.06.2023. Novi Sad – The delegation of the Vocational College of Hospitality and Tourism VSGT Maribor was in a two-day visit from May 28th to 29th 2023, during which they also visited the College of Professional Studies ICEPS, as well as two ICEPS partners where our students complete their professional practice: Kovačević Wine House and Hotel Sheraton Novi Sad.
Tatjana Klakočar (oblast wellness), Andreja Alič (oblast desitancijski menadžment, ekonomija i wellness), Katja Zdravec (engleski jezik i zaduženja u organizaciji nastave) i Tanja Abarca Kokol (nemački jezik i licenca turističkog vodiča) bile su predstavnice i članice delegacije škole koja ima tradiciju dugu preko 25 godina i reputaciju koja je svrstava u sam vrh po kvalitetu obrazovanja u oblasti ugostiteljstva i turizma u Sloveniji i šire.
Tatjana Klakočar (wellness), Andreja Alič (destination management, economy and wellness), Katja Zdravec (English language and lecture organizer) and Tanja Abarca Kokol (German language and licensed tourist guide) were the representatives and members of the school delegation that has a tradition of more than 25 years and a reputation that ranks it at the very top for the quality of education in the field of hospitality and tourism in Slovenia and beyond.
Četvoročlana delegacija VSGT Maribor posetila je visokoškolsku jedinicu (VŠJ) ICEPS u Novom Sadu gde su se sastali sa članovima Uprave Visoke strukovne škole ICEPS prof. dr Srđanom Stojanovićem, direktorom ICEPS-a, Marijom Papić, koordinatorkom Kvaliteta nastave i Međunarodne saradnje, kao i sa Daliborkom Mićanović, specijalistom za organizaciju nastave na studijskim programima Menadžment u hotelijerstvu, gastronomiji i restoraterstvu, i Bojanom Spasojevićem, koordinatorom studijskih programa Menadžment u hotelijerstvu, gastronomiji i restoraterstvu.
A four-member delegation of VSGT Maribor visited the higher education unit of ICEPS in Novi Sad, where they met with the ICEPS staff members, Prof. PhD Srđan Stojanović, Director of ICEPS, Marija Papić, Education Quality and International Cooperation Coodrinator, as well as Daliborka Mićanović, Specialist in Teaching Process Logistics Department for Study Programs in Hotel, Gastronomy and Restaurant Management and Bojan Spasojević, Coordinator for Study Programs in Hotel, Gastronomy and Restaurant Management.
Na radnom sastanku razmenjivale su se ideje, iskustva i znanje u cilju boljeg razvoja samih studijskih programa (literature, kvalitet predavanja, način ocenjivanja, atraktivnost i modernost predmeta i dr.), ali i međusobnog povezivanja i saradnje između naših ustanova na čemu će se intenzivno raditi kroz Erazmus program, ali i druge vidove međunarodne saradnje.
Ideas, experiences and knowledge were exchanged during this meeting with the aim of developing study programs (literature, quality of lectures, methods of assessment, attractiveness and modernity of courses, etc.), but also expanding mutual connection and cooperation between our institutions that will be enhanced through the Erasmus+ program, but also other forms of international cooperation.
U okviru planirane posete, profesorke iz Slovenije obavile su i razgovore sa profesorima ICEPS ugostiteljskih smerova: prof. dr Bojanom Kalenjuk Pivarski (oblasti gastronomije), prof. dr Draganom Psodorovim (oblast tehnologija hrane) i prof. dr Jelicom Ilić (oblast turizam).
As part of the planned visit, lecturers from Slovenia also met with ICEPS lecturers in hospitality: Prof. PhD Bojana Kalenjuk Pivarski (gastronomy), Prof. PhD Dragan Psodorov (food technology) and Prof. PhD Jelica Ilić (tourism).
Tokom posete predavači VSGT Maribor imale su priliku da uz stručno vođenje Marije Todorović, šefice Studentske službe VŠJ ICEPS obiđu i specijalizovani kabinet u kome se izvode predavanja i vežbe iz oblasti ugostiteljskih smerova: Menadžment u hotelijerstvu, Menadžment u restoraterstvu i Menadžment u gastronomiji.
The lecturers from VSGT Maribor were introduced by Marija Todorović, Head of the Student Service of the Higher Education Unit ICEPS in Novi Sad, to a specialized room where lectures and some practical exercises are held on hospitality programs: Hotel Management, Restaurant Management and Gastronomy Management.
U neformalnom delu zvanične posete poslužena su vina Grašac Beli i Frankovka iz čuvene Vinarije Vinum (Sremski Karlovci), jedne od nastavnih baza ICEPS-a gde se organizuju vežbe za studente iz predmeta Enologija sa somelijerstvom.
In the informal part, Grašac Beli and Frankovka wines from the famous Vinum Winery in Sremski Karlovci, another partner of ICEPS for completing student practice on the course of Enology, were served for the guests.

Bila je to dobra prilika da se profesorke upoznaju sa autentičnim ambijentom, enterijerom i pozicijom jedne od najpoznatijih i najposećenijih vinskih kuća u Srbiji, kao i sa posebnim uslugama koje vinska kuća Kovačević nudi posetiocima, poput uparivanja vina sa tradicionalnom lokalnom kuhinjom.
It was a good opportunity for the lecturers to get to know the authentic ambience, interior and position of one of the most famous and visited wine houses in Serbia, as well as the special services that the Kovačević wine house offers to its visitors, such as pairing wine with traditional local cuisine.

Predstavnici ICEPS-a i VSGT Maribor na kraju zvanične posete obišli su i Hotel Sheraton Novi Sad gde su između ostalog imali priliku i da posete wellness centar gde upravo studenti ICEPS programa Menadžment u hotelijerstvu obavljaju redovnu praktičnu nastavu.
At the end, the representatives of ICEPS and VSGT Maribor visited the Hotel Sheraton Novi Sad where, among other things, they had the opportunity to visit the wellness center, where the students of the ICEPS program Hotel Management conduct regular practical classes.

Podsećanja radi, delegacija ICEPS-a u istom sastavu boravila je na VSGT Maribor u martu ove godine kada je obavljen čitav niz radnih sastanaka upravo sa menadžmentom VSGT na čelu sa prof. dr Tanjom Angleitner Sagadin, direktorkom VSGT-a. Tadašnja poseta bila je fokusirana na upoznavanje sa načinom organizovanja vežbi za studente u adaptiranoj profesionalnoj kuhinji u školi, kao i poznatom restoranu škole pod imenom „Restavracija Sedem” u kome su upravo studenti glavne zvezde.
As a reminder, a delegation of ICEPS visited VSGT Maribor in March this year, when a whole series of working meetings were held with the management of VSGT led by Prof. PhD Tanja Angleitner Sagadin, Director of VSGT. The visit at that time was focused on understanding the concept of organizing practice for students in the adapted professional kitchen at the school, as well as the school’s famous restaurant called “Restaurant Sedem” where the students are the main stars.