*See below for the English version
Sa velikim zadovoljstvom objavljujemo da je ICEPS postao član AEHT-a (European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools), konsultativnog tela Saveta Evrope koje ima za cilj poboljšanje obrazovanja u turističkom sektoru uz stvaranje jačih odnosa između škola članica širom Evrope.
AEHT je osnovan 1988. godine i sastojao se od 24 škole iz 16 zemalja, dok danas organizacija broji preko 400 članica iz 40 evropskih zemalja.
Jedan od najvažnijih ciljeva Asocijacije su održavanje kontakta i razmena nastavnih metoda, materijala, znanja i ljudi između partnerskih škola, kao i razumevanje različitih pravnih i obrazovnih sistema u Evropi. Asocijacija svake godine organizuje seminare na različite teme za nastavnike iz ove oblasti. Osim toga, važan je i zajednički razvoj međunarodnih projekata i aktivnosti koje škole ne bi mogla da realizuju same bez posredstva Asocijacije, a koje podrazumevaju i brojne međunarodne događaje na visokom nivou, takmičenja i seminare iz oblasti gastronomije, hotelijerstva i turizma.
Najvažniji događaj je godišnji kongres na kome učestvuje oko 700 direktora škola, nastavnika i studenata. Ovaj događaj stvara važan podsticaj za sve učesnike. Na njemu se održava između osam i deset takmičenja iz oblasti kuhinje, bara, vinarstva, servisa, front office-a, menadžmenta i dr. Studenti se takmiče u međunarodnim timovima, koji su unapred izvučeni. Ovo jača njihove jezičke veštine i prilagodljivost što im stvara dobre osnove za budući rad u dinamičnom okruženju i međunarodnom timu. Takođe, ovde dolaze do izražaja i mobilnost i fleksibilnost, dve ključne veštine u ugostiteljskoj industriji.
Vredi pomenuti i događaj Božić u Evropi na kome se svake godine oko 20 škola sastaje u drugoj zemlji kako bi široj javnosti predstavili raznolikost svojih božićnih tradicija u oblasti gastronomije, nošnji, legendi, muzike itd. Ova aktivnost takođe promoviše saradnju mreže u organizovanju razmene studenata i nastavnika, kao i planiranju učešća u evropskim programima.
Mi u ICEPS-u smo veoma uzbuđeni što smo postali deo organizacije sa kojom delimo iste ciljeve i vrednosti. Ovo članstvo će nam omogućiti da unapredimo naše nastavne metode, pružimo mogućnost našim studentima, nastavnicima i saradnicima na ugostiteljskim studijskim programima da upoznaju svoje kolege iz drugih zemalja, kao i da pokažu svoja znanja i umeća u međunarodnoj areni. ICEPS je pokrenuo strukovne studijske programe iz oblasti ugostiteljstva (osnovne studije, 180 ESPB, 3 godine): Menadžment u hotelijerstvu, Menadžment u restoraterstvu i Menadžment u gastronomiji i do 30. 09. 2023. nudi promotivne cene školarina za upis u školsku 2023/2024. godinu koji je još uvek otvoren. Za više informacija o školarinama, kliknite ovde.
ICEPS has become a member of the European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools (AEHT)!
We are very pleased to announce that ICEPS has become a member of AEHT (European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools), a consultative body of the Council of Europe that aims to improve education in the tourism sector by creating closer ties between member schools across Europe.
AEHT was founded in 1988 and it consisted of 24 schools from 16 countries, while today the organization has over 400 members from 40 different European countries.
One of the most important goals of the association is maintaining contact and enhancing exchange of teaching methods, materials, knowledge and students/staff between partner schools, as well as understanding different legal and educational systems in Europe. Every year the association organizes seminars on various topics for teachers from this field. In addition, the association is developing international projects and activities that schools would not be able to implement alone without the support of the association, and that also include numerous high-level international events, competitions and seminars in the field of gastronomy, hotel and restaurant management.
The most important event is the annual congress that gathers around 700 school directors, teachers and students. This event creates an important incentive for all participants. Between eight and ten competitions are held in the fields of cuisine, bar, winemaking, service, catering, front office, management, etc. In these competitions, students compete in international teams, which are drawn in advance. This strengthens their language skills and adaptability, which gives them good background for future work in the dynamic environments and the possibility of working in an international team. In no other industry do these skills come to the fore like here. Also, mobility and flexibility come into play here, as two key skills.
It is also worth mentioning Christmas in Europe, an event that gathers around 20 schools each year in another country to present to the general public the diversity of their Christmas traditions in the field of gastronomy, costumes, legends, music, etc. This activity also promotes network cooperation in organizing student and teacher exchanges, as well as planning participation in European programs.
Here at ICEPS, we are very excited to have become a part of an organization that we share the same goals and values with. This membership will enable us to improve our teaching methods and will give even more opportunities to our students and professors for exchanges where they will get to meet their colleagues from other leading hospitality schools as well as give our students opportunities to show their skills in international competitions. ICEPS has launched applied study programs in hospitality management (Bachelor studies, 180 ECTS, 3 years) – Hotel Management, Gastronomy Management and Restaurant Management that have promotional tuition fees for enrollment in the 2023/2024 school year.