ICEPS i ESN Srbija potpisali ugovor!
- 19. април 2022.
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*See below for the English versi0n
ICEPS i ESN Srbija potpisali ugovor!
Čast nam je da objavimo da će u predstojećoj školskoj godini internacionalne studente na ICEPS-u podržati Erazmus studentska mreža Srbije koja će im umnogome olakšati proces integracije u novo okruženje!
Oleg Slatina, predsednik ESN Srbija i prof.dr Srđan Stojanović, direktor ICEPS-a, potpisali su 19. aprila 2022. godine sporazum o međusobonoj saradnji.
Sastanku su prisustvovale i Andrijana Miladinović, potpredsednica ESN BelUPgrade (lokalni odsek ESN Srbije iz Beograda) i Marija Papić, Koordinator međunarodne saradnje ICEPS-a, gde su razmotreni detalji saradnje.
Čak i pre dolaska u Srbiju, svaki međunarodni student na ICEPS-u biće uparen sa domaćim studentom, članom ESN-a, takozvanim „drugarom“. Individualnim pristupom drugar će pomoći studentu da popuni papire za prijavu legalnog boravka u Srbiji, pronađe odgovarajući smeštaj i integraciju kroz brojne zabavne, edukativne, sportske i druge vrste organizovanih aktivnosti.
Pored toga, svaki internacionalni student će imati ESN karticu kojom će moći da ostvari razne popuste ne samo u Srbiji, već i u celoj Evropi!
ESN će takođe podržati lokalne studente promovišući mogućnosti za međunarodnu mobilnost i deliti lične priče Erazmus+ alumnista kako bi podstakli studente da naprave prvi korak ka najboljem iskustvu svojih studijskih godina.
Da biste pročitali više o ESN-u i aktivnostima dobrodošlice za dolazeće studente, kliknite na sledeći link.
Erazmus studentska mreža Srbija je nevladina organizacija, deo Erazmus studentske mreže, najveće studentske asocijacije u Evropi koja je prisutna u više od 40 zemalja. Njihova misija je da predstavljaju međunarodne studente i pruže mogućnosti za interkulturalno razumevanje, za lično usavršavanje po principu „studenti pomažu studentima“, za unapređenje društvene i kulturne integracije međunarodnih studenata i promovisanje mobilnosti studenata i njene dostupnosti.
ESN Srbija trenutno objedinjuje 3 sekcije iz najvećih gradova u zemlji: Beograda, Novog Sada i Niša.
Erazmus Studentska Mreža Srbija podržana je od strane Evropske komisije i Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije.
European Commission Letter of Support to ESN
RS Ministry of Education Letter of Support to ESN
ICEPS and ESN Serbia signed the agreement!
We are honored to announce that in the upcoming school year international students at ICEPS will be supported by the Erasmus Student Network Serbia that will make their process of integration into new environment much easier!
On 19 April 2022 Oleg Slatina, President of the ESN Serbia and Prof PhD Srđan Stojanović, Director of ICEPS, signed the agreement on mutual collaboration.
Andrijana Miladinović, Vice-President of ESN BelUPgrade (local section of ESN Serbia from Belgrade) and Marija Papić, Head of International Relations Office of ICEPS, attended the meeting as well where details of collaboration were discussed.
Even before coming to Serbia, each international student at ICEPS will be matched with a local student, a member of ESN, the so-called “buddy”. Through individual approach, the buddy will help a student with completing papers for registering the legal stay in Serbia, finding suitable accommodation, and integrating through numerous entertaining, educational, sport and other type of organized activities.
Besides, each international student will have ESNcard that can be used to obtain various discounts not only in Serbia, but in whole Europe!
ESN will also support local students by promoting opportunities for international mobility and sharing personal stories of Erasmus+ alumni to encourage students to make the first step towards the best experience of their study years.
To read more about ESN and welcome activities for incoming students, please check this link.
Erasmus Student Network Serbia is a non-governmental organisation, a part of the Erasmus Student Network, the biggest student association in Europe which is present in more than 40 countries. Their mission is to represent international students and provide opportunities for intercultural understanding, for personal improvement based on the principle “students helping students”, for improving the social and cultural integration of international students and promoting students’ mobility and its accessibility.
At the moment, ESN Serbia itself unites 3 sections from the largest cities in the country: Belgrade, Novi Sad, and Niš.
Erasmus Student Network Serbia is supported by the European Commission and Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.