Nakon 5 godina uspešnog izvođenja studijskih programa na srpskom jeziku, ICEPS sada nudi i akreditovane osnovne strukovne studije Zdravstvene nege na engleskom jeziku (eng. Nursing)!
- Nivo i vrsta studija: osnovne strukovne studije
- Trajanje studija: 3 godine
- Kreditni bodovi: 180 ESPB poena
- Zvanje: strukovna medicinska sestra
Program je u velikoj meri usaglašen sa programima Zdravstvene nege u zemljama Evropske unije i nudi veliki fond časova stručne prakse u renomiranim nastavnim bazama ICEPS-a, kako u državnom tako i u privatnom sektoru.
Za nastavni plan i program kliknite na ovaj link.
Upis je otvoren za sve koji su zainteresovani da studiraju Zdravstvenu negu na engleskom jeziku.
Kandidati koji su završili srednju školu u inostranstvu moraju nostrifikovati diplomu srednje škole kod Agencije za kvalifikacije. Ukoliko Agencija ne donese odluku da je diploma iz inostranstva ekvivalentna diplomi četvorogodišnje srednje škole u Srbiji, kandidat neće moći da se upiše, odnosno neće moći da nastavi studije na ICEPS-u ukoliko ih je upisao uslovno pre donošenja odluke Agencije.
Po uspešno izvršenoj prijavi, studenti polažu prijemni ispit iz Zdravstvene nege na engleskom jeziku. Zbirku zadataka za pripremu prijemnog ispita dobijaju prilikom prijave za polaganje prijemnog ispita (zbirka je uključena u cenu naknade za prijavu kandidata). Prijemni ispit se polaže u prostorijama škole u Beogradu ili online.
Strani državljani moraju regulisati svoj boravak u Republici Srbiji nakon ulaska u zemlju (ako imaju pasoš određene zemlje za koju nije neophodna viza za Srbiju) ili pre dolaska u Srbiju (ako imaju pasoš zemlje za koju jeste neophodna viza za ulazak u Srbiju). Državljani mnogih zemalja mogu da uđu u Srbiju bez ikakve vize i da ostanu od 30 do 90 dana kada mogu regulisati boravak.
ICEPS je ostvario saradnju sa Erazmus studentskom mrežom Srbija, studentskom volonterskom organizacijom, koja pomaže stranim studentima da se snađu u novoj sredini i pomaže im oko nalaženja smeštaja, regulisanja boravka, te davanja praktičnih svakodnevnih saveta i integrisanja studenata u novo okruženje.
Kompletna procedura za prijavu zainteresovanih kandidata, polaganje prijemnog ispita i upis nalazi se ovde zajedno sa cenom školarine po godini i pratećim troškovima.
Velika pogodnost je i mogućnost plaćanja školarine na rate!
U sklopu školarine uračunat je i probni period za učenje srpskog jezika kako bi naši internacionalni studenti naučili osnovne stvari i bolje se upoznali sa svojim novim domom.
Tokom studija postoji mogućnost izbora specijalizovanog engleskog ili nemačkog jezika za oblast medicine gde studenti dodatno šire svoj vokabular iz medicinskog polja.
Dobrodošli na ICEPS!
After 5 years of successfully performing study programs in Serbian language, ICEPS is now also offering the Nursing study program in English language to the international students!
- Level and type of studies: bachelor level of professional (applied) studies
- Duration: 3 years
- Credit scores: 180 ECTS
- Professional title: Bachelor in Nursing (BSN)
The program has complete or great compatability with Nursing study programs in the European Union and offers extensive professional practice hours in renowned ICEPS teaching bases, both in the public and private health institutions.
For the Course’s catalogue click on this link.
Enrollment is now open to all those interested who would like to study Nursing in English.
Before starting with the application procedure, candidates who have completed high school abroad must have their high school diploma recognized by the Qualifications Agency. If secondary school documents are not recognized by the Agency, candidate will not be able to continue their studies at ICEPS. The same applies if the Agency finds that candidate’s secondary school diploma is not equivalent to four-year secondary education in Serbia as this is another precondition for enrollment prescribed by the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Serbia.
Having completed the application procedure, students must pass the entrance exam in Nursing in English language. Candidates will receive a workbook for the preparation of the entrance exam when registering for the entrance exam (the workbook is included in the price of the candidate’s registration fee). The entrance exam is taken in the premises of the school in Belgrade or online.
Foreign citizens must register their stay in the Republic of Serbia after entering the country (if they have a passport of a specific country for which a visa to Serbia is not required) or before arriving in Serbia (if they have a passport of a country for which a visa is required to enter Serbia). Citizens of many countries can enter Serbia without any visa and stay between 30 and 90 days when they can regulate their stay.
ICEPS collaborates with the Erasmus Student Network (ESN), a student organization that will provide help to each international student at ICEPS individually regarding their visa/residence permit procedure, finding accommodation even before they arrive in Serbia and in general ESN will support them during their stay in Serbia and help them integrate.
The complete application procedure for interested candidates, information about taking the entrance exam and enrollment procedure, can be found here along with the tuition fee per year and all related costs.
The possibility of paying school fees in installments is also a great convenience!
Students on full degree studies in English will have trial period of Serbian language included in their scholarship for a certain period to learn the basic things and get to know better their new home.
During the studies, there is the possibility of choosing specialized English or German languages as elective courses in the field of medicine where students can improve their language skills and additionally expand their vocabulary in medicine.
Welcome to ICEPS!